

This blog has been created with the intention of sharing with all animal lovers, pet parents and care takers, advanced methods, tools and products for healing our beloved EARTHLINGS companions, pets family members and all furry, feathery, 4, 2 legged, 2 winged friends of all species.

Please review in details all pages to select which of the shared healing sources you need most, currently or in the future. From first aid, to healing and prevention alike.

All featured healing products, methods and sources are accumulated since 1996 onward.

Please feel free to share it with all your peers.



All featured products in this blog are shared for educational purpose and to inspire readers to do their own research on them.

This blog is not to replace the professional advice and care of a veterinary doctor.

No sales are being done through this blog.

Everything presented here is for informational purpose.

For any health concerns or issues with your pet or animal companion, please consult with your veterinary doctor.


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