Keshe plasma for animals


KESHE/PLASMA water for animals 

Two years cancer free cat

Clyde Parry - Wed February 19th Southport, United Kingdom

Category: Health

It’s been two years this month my 13 year old cat has been cancer free. She got diagnosed with a lymphoma of the stomach after having a scan. My vet said it was the worst kind and she won’t last long. I ordered gans of co2 and started giving it to her everyday by mouth and also rubbed on her stomach, her drinking water was gans water from then onwards. I constantly prayed for her with the intention of being healthy. We tried giving her chemo at first to prolong her life so to let the gans work. She didn’t tolerate the chemo so could only have a few sessions. However, this was enough time for the gans to start working. The only thing she would eat was her favourite prawns so this kept her energy levels up. After a month she seemed to be getting much better and two months later the vet couldn’t believe she is still alive. I said to him to book another scan as I felt in my soul she was cured. When I saw the specialist with the scan results, she dropped the paperwork on the floor and seemed shocked. I said to her, my cats cancer has gone hasn’t it, she said yes with disbelief!! Sad thing is I tried to explain what had helped my cat and she didn’t want to know or should is say, she said I can’t know as it’s against my teachings and law! I couldn’t believe. It as it could save so many other animals. So here we are two years down the line and my beautiful cat Mota is happy and healthy as ever. I can’t thank mr meshes and all the knowledge seekers along with Dian Jarit. I know pass gans around to my old neighbours who need help with she’s and pains, it really works. Much love Clyde and Laura Parry

First Aid for a Bird

Marc du Soleil - Sun February 19th Dorfen, Germany

Category: Health

Last year in the September, a small bird has flown against the window of our terrace door and remained unconscious on the ground. My wife lifted up gingerly and held him on her two hands. I immediately ran into the cellar and took a small spray bottle with co2 gans. I sprayed the bird and he began to shake. Then we put him on table and he overrun himself a few times, but was still quite dazed. For the sake of caution, we placed him on the terrace. I wanted to take a picture of the bird. But just as I came back with the camera, the bird flew like newborn!

Marc du Soleil

Wonders of Gans-Thank you Carolina

Anuja S Nair - Tue January 10th Accra Ghana

Category: Health

Being miles from our homeland India, my husband and I were finding our family complete through the two little lives Happy and Cutie (our pet puppies). The innocent and serene cuteness they spread was adding colors to our lives and suddenly one day we found our Cutie falling victim of Parvo Viral Infection.

The nice people at Tettey Vet Palace was doing everything possible to save her life as she was vomiting blood and passed bloody diarrhea. She was put on infusion and antibiotics for 5 days.

And on the third day we met this lady at the Hospital with a pleasent smile and ready to help us. In no time I realised that she is a saviour as she gave me the magical gans of solutions to be given to Cutie along with the hospital treatment.

I followed her instructions to the "T", and the very next day Cutie was showing amazing change. She started responding to us and on the fifth day of treatment she started taking food orally. Her poop became normal and she was back to life. The same treatment was repeated with Happy as well. And today they are back to normal with their ever spreading cuteness.

We personally are thankful to Carolina De Roose and Keshe Foundation for the change they have made in our life.


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